Darwinessay.net Review

Darwinessay.net preview


It gets increasingly difficult to navigate among sites offering their services in writing academic papers. All of them are similar to each other as two drops of water and all declare that only they can cope with your task. Of course, you want to believe that there is no deception, the quality of their work is really at the highest level and for your money, you will get exactly what you want. But do not get drunk with fantasies. You need to look at everything soberly and prudently. As analysts, today we are soberly considering one of these sites –Darwinessay.net

Special Offer!

Even before we get to the site, we see a pop-up window on which there is a splash of enthusiasm in the message that now and today we are on a special offer for the clients of our country. Moreover, the VIP service for free is offered immediately in case you are placing an order. For greater psychological pressure, there is a countdown of the time remaining until the end of the offer. It does not look very respectable and is more like selling games of clever salesmen of unnecessary junk. Usually, at the end of the expiring time, the counter is magically restored and starts counting the time again.

But that is enough. We close the window and explore the site. Despite the annoying moment of the counter, the site looks very good. It is designed in a homogeneous color scheme. The window on the left immediately offers us to make a free call and place an order. The service has round-the-clock technical support.

Let Us Ask You a Few Questions

Nothing foretold troubles, but with a more thorough study of the site some questions arose:

  • The site declares a secure payment system. However, it does not specify exactly what kind of payment system it has. There is no information that the site has a verified account in PayPal or anywhere else. So, the visitor will have to do without this information;
  • The table with the prices is made with such a small font that it is possible to see the figures only with a magnifying glass. Accident or intent? Why is it needed to make such an important element so inconvenient to examine?
  • Free plagiarism check as a freebie. That is, from the point of view of the site's managers, the client orders a work, pays and theoretically must pay extra if they want it to be checked for plagiarism, which they supposedly generously provide as a gift? The plagiarism check is a standard procedure that guarantees the uniqueness of the work, it cannot act as an additional service that can be either ordered or not. So to specify a free check for plagiarism as a bonus is at least strange. To balance the impression, we note that the site provides a free title and references pages;
  • Unbelievable but true: despite the presence of Privacy policy, the site requests you to provide some information on your credit card and a photo or scan of your ID. Let us ask: for what? It seems, a question about reliable payment systems has already raised. They are so reliable that they need information from a credit card? With the policy of confidentiality, the guys are clearly not all as good as it seemed at first glance;
  • On the main page, there are only four writers, one of them does not have a degree at all and is simply a blogger. It is impossible to figure out whether there are all the authors of the site or the best writers? If we are talking about the best ones, how do others feel about the fact that they are not in the lead? Lame confidentiality got to the authors, by the way: their names and even photos are shown. On the one hand, it supposedly demonstrates that authors have nothing to fear and hide since they are professionals. But on the other hand, no one receives any guarantees that this name and the photo from the ID will not draw the attention of any third party. 
Rating: 3.0, Writing service review. Author: Robert Klein