Review preview

The educational market is flooded with websites that provide their academic writing services. Every day the number of these companies is becoming bigger, and they are already lost in the methods by which they can attract the client. The structure of all of them is almost identical, they offer approximately the same package of services and even their pricing policies do not differ. However, there are guys whose purpose is to get not live money, but the maximum response of users to their idea. is definitely created by some of them.

What Is This?

This service is a platform that works on the principle of auto-selection. Users choose a specific topic, after which they are redirected to the page that mimics Microsoft Word. There they begin to print their text or ideas on this topic and the website provides the corresponding information collected on the Internet. In fact, this platform guesses the thoughts of users and creates texts based on fragments from different online resources.

At first glance, it looks attractive and interesting enough. The free resource which is ready to provide you with a ready essay in a few minutes, literally. What are its advantages?

  • No need to pay. There are no trial or full versions, just a tool – take it and work;
  • You are your own master. No one needs to explain anything. You start the work when you want, and its fulfillment depends only on you;
  • Confidence in content. You set the direction in which the tool will select the text, and you can see what happens in the end.

Despite all attractiveness, this tool has obvious disadvantages that do not allow it to be placed on a par with other sites providing academic assistance:

  • Not always it is possible to guess thoughts. Sometimes the resource goes in a completely different direction with its assumptions, and it is necessary to spend energy to stop its personal "fantasies";
  • No talk of serious work. All information is taken directly from the Internet without re-phrasing, so it will be detected as pure plagiarism. If you need an academic paper for the university, then you will have to paraphrase the text crafted by the tool on your own;
  • Limited choice of sources. The tool uses only free sources of information where it is possible to freely copy the text.

So, this tool is suitable rather for works that do not require the check for antiplagiarism and that do not carry too much meaning. It is just a compilation of other people's thoughts which have been already used hundreds of times. The main purpose is probably to entertain you or to provide you with the text for rewriting.

Rating: 4.0, Writing service review. Author: Robert Klein